We provide advice on commercial schemes including (A1 / A2) retail units, (A3 / A4 / A5) restaurants, bars and take-aways) to (B1) offices, (B2) industrial units and (B8) warehouses as well as (D2) assembly and leisure uses.
We also have expertise in other commercial schemes such as hotels, hostels and Houses in Multiple Occupation.
Project experience includes:
Selhurst Road, London

Planning permission was achieved for the change of use of the premises from a former NHS care home to a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) for use as emergency housing.
Detailed discussions were undertaken with the Council in respect of the number of car parking spaces and the number of residents permitted to live within the building.
London Road, Mitcham

Planning permission was achieved for the change of use from a retail unit (Use Class A1) to a mixed use of sui-generis mini cab office and internet cafe.
The successful outcome was achieved following detailed discussions with the Council in respect of highway safety and parking requirements
Belgrave Road, London

A Certificate of Lawful Development was obtained for the use of a Grade II Listed Building as a HMO property.
The existing use had never received planning consent but it was successfully argued that the HMO use had occurred for a period of at least 10 years prior to the application being submitted.
Spa Road, London

Planning Permission was granted for the change of use of a consented office below a block of newly built flats to form a retail supermarket.
Permission was granted following the completion of a detailed Retail Sequential Test and Impact Assessment which confirmed that there were no sequentially preferable shop units within the local area and there would be no impact on any designated retail centres.
Beddington Cross

Planning Permission was obtained for the use of the existing warehouse for 24 hour opening to enable occupation of a cash and carry business.
Detailed discussions were undertaken with the Council in respect of the impact of the 24 hour use on the highway and in respect of noise impacts.
Uxbridge Road, London

Planning Permission was obtained for the change of use of the 1st floor of a retail unit to a 24 hour gym.
Detailed discussions were held with the Council and it was successfully argued that the proposed use would not cause any harm to neighbouring residents or to the vitality of the retail centre.