We provide advice on community type uses including medical facilities, community uses and education.
Project examples include:
Belmont Road, Uxbridge

Planning permission was granted for the extension of the opening hours for a Class D1 Educational, Training and Rehabilitation Centre.
It was successfully argued that the proposed development would not have any impact on the amenity of any neighbours and would not cause any parking problems.
Harley Street, London

Listed Building Consent was obtained for internal alterations to a Grade II Listed Building which is in use as a medical clinic.
The application successfully argued that the proposed amendments would not harm the significance of the listed building.
Uxbridge Road, London

Planning permission was granted for the continued use of the premises for a Class D1 Educational, Training and Rehabilitation Centre.
It was successfully argued that the proposed development would not have any impact on the amenity of any neighbours and would not cause any parking problems.
Oaksey House, Lambourn

Planning permission was achieved for the demolition of the existing stables within the Conservation Area and the erection of a care home for injured jockeys, a community resource centre and a dwelling.
It was successfully argued that the proposed development would not harm the character or appearance of the Conservation Area, result in traffic or amenity issues and would retain a horse racing use.
Crampton Street, London

Planning permission was granted for the permanent change of use of the premises from an office to a Class D1 Educational Training Centre.
It was successfully argued that the loss of office space would not prejudice the supply of viable employment floorspace and would result in a sustainable use for the site.
Leyton 6th Form College
Oaksey House, Lambourn