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We provide advice in respect of developments affecting Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Locally Listed Buildings and any other heritage assets. 


Project experience includes: 

Whitechapel High Street

Planning permission was obtained for a 7 storey block containing 3 studio flats and a commercial unit within a constrained narrow site in the Whitechapel High Street Conservation Area.

Detailed pre-application discussions were undertaken with the Council and permission was granted after it was successfully argued that there would be no impact on the significance of the Conservation Area.

Montague Arms, London

Listed Building Consent was obtained for internal alterations including the removal of a feature staircase in this Grade II Listed Building. The alterations were undertaken in conjunction with the change of use to residential and commercial uses from a public house.

The application successfully argued that the proposed amendments would not harm the significance of the listed building.

Brandenburgh House, W6

Listed Building Consent was obtained for internal alterations and the installation of a lift in this Grade II Listed Building which is in residential use.

The application successfully argued that the proposed amendments would not harm the significance of the listed building.

Oaksey House, Lambourn

Planning permission was achieved for the demolition of the existing stables within the Conservation Area and the erection of a care home for injured jockeys, a community resource centre and a dwelling.

It was successfully argued that the proposed development would not harm the character or appearance of the Conservation Area, result in traffic or amenity issues and retain a horse racing use.

Harley Street, London

Listed Building Consent was obtained for internal alterations to a Grade II Listed Building which is in use as a medical clinic.

The application successfully argued that the proposed amendments would not harm the significance of the listed building.

Ommaney Rd, London

Planning Permission was achieved for the demolition of a terraced house in a Conservation Area and the erection of a replacement 5 bedroom dwelling.

It was successfully argued that the existing dwelling was a post war infill and therefore did not add to the character of the Conservation Area which would be enhanced with the replacement dwelling.

J Butterworth Planning Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 9533429. VAT No. 456203605

Registered Office: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ

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