We provide advice on residential schemes on both greenfield and brownfield sites and on schemes of all sizes ranging from new build single dwellings and replacement dwellings to large schemes such as blocks of flats and new residential estates. We also provide advice on the Prior Approval process and the conversion of existing retail and office premises to residential. Advice also includes Affordable Housing negotiations, Community Infrastucture Levy (CIL) and initial site appraisals.
Clients range from housebuildings, housing associations, property developers and private individuals.
Project experience includes:
Oakfield Road, London

Planning permission was achieved for the redevelopment of a brownfield site to create an affordable housing development of 8 terraced houses plus 24 flats.
The project involved detailed pre-application discussions with the Local Planning Authority and although refused at Planning Committee despite a recommendation for approval the scheme was granted at appeal with an award of costs against the Council.
Merton Road, London

Planning Permission was obtained at appeal for the erection of a 3 storey building to provide 6 flats with roof terrace and courtyard.
The Council had previously refused the application on the grounds that the site was designated employment land and that the proposal was not of sufficient design quality to overcome the loss of employment.
In addition, the Inspector ordered a partial award of costs against the Council.
Montem Rd, New Malden

Outline Planning permission was achieved at appeal for the construction of 7 residential units (3 houses and 4 flats) on a brownfield site consisting of storage garages and a builders' yard following refusal by the Local Planning Authority.
It was successfully argued that as well as not resulting in the loss of any employment there would be no impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area or upon the living conditions of nearby residents.
London Rd, Aston Clinton

Planning Permission was obtained at appeal for the redevelopment of a single dwelling house to provide a block of ten flats.
The Council had previously refused the application but at appeal it was successfully argued that the site had adequate access for vehicles, that the proposed design was acceptable and that the Council could not show up-to-date policies in relation to housing supply and therefore the presumption in favour of development should apply.
Whitechapel High Street

Planning permission was obtained for a 7 storey block containing 3 studio flats and a commercial unit within a constrained narrow site in the Whitechapel High Street Conservation Area.
Detailed pre-application discussions were undertaken with the Council and permission was granted after it was successfully argued that there would be no impact on the significance of the Conservation Area
St Margarets Rd, Richmond

Planning Permission was obtained for a ground floor extension in a Conservation Area and the subsequent sub-division of the retail unit to create a new flat.
It was successfully argued that the proposed development would not harm the Conservation Area, the amenity of neighbours or the vitality of the retail parade.