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Helping clients realise the potential of their site
Planning Appraisals


Prior to the purchase of a site or the start of a development project a planning appraisal can be a useful tool in reviewing the relevant planning policy, the planning history and site to determine the development opportunities and constraints to ascertain the optimum planning strategy to maximise the site value.

Planning Applications


We offer a full planning application service including liaising with any other relevant consultants in the preparation and submission of pre-application consultations and outline or full planning applications or applications for the approval of reserved matters and management of the process to determination by the Local Planning Authority.


Planning Appeals


Following a refusal of planning permission we are able to review the Local Planning Authorities decision and any relevant documents to provide advice on the likely chance of success at appeal and then prepare, collate and submit an appeal by either written representations, hearing or public inquiry. We can also advise on and apply for costs against the Local Planning Authority if considered appropriate.



Failure to comply with an Enforcement Notice can result in prosecution or a large fine. It is therefore important that the process is understood fully and an appeal and / or alternative planning application or Certificate of Lawful Development is submitted without due delay.



The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 gives special protection to Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Trees within Conservation Areas or with a Tree Protection Order (TPO). We can provide expert advice on developments which affect such Heritage Assets including applications for Listed Building Consent.

s106 / Affordable Housing


We can provide advice and appraisals in respect of the likely s106 requirements for a proposed development including the requirements for affordable housing.


We can also assist with negotiations with local planning authorities in respect of the level of contributions.

Prior Approval


Recent changes to planning legislation allow certain developments to go ahead without formal planing permission subject to applications for prior approval or prior notification.


Such developments include office or warehouse to resdential, retail to residential and larger householder extensions.


We can advise on such matters.

Lawful Development


To be certain that the existing or proposed use of a building or land is lawful for planning purposes or that a proposed development does not require planning permission it is possible to apply for a 'Lawful Development Certificate' (LDC). In addition, certain developments will become lawful after a certain amount of time.


We can advise on such issues and prepare applications for a LDC.

Planning Conditions


Planning Conditions are often placed on planing permissions to enhance the quality of development and enable development proposals to proceed by mitigating the adverse effects of the development.


We can advise and prepare applications for the discharge of such conditions and also advise in respect of appeals against conditions which are considered to be unnecessary



We can provide advice and guidance in respect of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) including local tariff rates and likely costs in respect of new developments.


We can also advise in respect of CIL exemptions for self-build, affordable housing and charitable developments.

Environmental Impact


The aim of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to protect the environment by ensuring that the planning authority has full knowledge of the likely significant effects, and takes this into account in the decision making process for significant applications.


We can obtain Environmental Screening and Scoping Opinions and assist in the production of Environmental Impact Assessments

3rd Party Representations


The submission of planning applications can have an impact on the amenity of the existing residents. All planning applications have a statutory consultation period where the representations of neighbours and other interested parties must be taken into account.


We can advise third parties affected by planning applications and submit representations on their behalf to protect amenity or property assets.

Development Plans


Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that decisions made should be in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.


We can monitor the production of Development Plans by Councils and prepare appropriate representations and promote sites through to the examination stage to protect property assets or promote new developments.

Advertisement Consent


Advertisement Consent may be required to display an advertisement larger than 0.3 square metres (or any size if illuminated) on the front of, or outside, your property (be it a house or business premises).


We can advise on advertisement consent issues including the submission of applications or appeals.

Other Services


Other services which we offer include Flood Risk Sequential Tests (for development within areas at risk of flooding), retail sequential tests (for retail developments which are out of 'town centre') and public exhibitions in advance of planning submissions.

J Butterworth Planning Limited is registered in England & Wales, Company No. 9533429. VAT No. 456203605

Registered Office: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ

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